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What Is the Outlook for Latin American Trade Flows in 2023?

The commentary on global trade for the Latin America Advisor is available here:      

Artigo/Renata Amaral: O que esperar do comércio internacional para América Latina e Caribe

Artigo/Renata Amaral: O que esperar do comércio internacional para América Latina e Caribe Por Renata Amaral* Previsões recentes para comércio

Artigo/Renata Amaral: o que esperar do novo governo na política externa e de comércio

Artigo/Renata Amaral: o que esperar do novo governo na política externa e de comércio Por Renata Amaral* Sem dúvida as

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The World Has Changed: What to Expect from the New Brazilian Government in Foreign and Trade Policy

The World Has Changed: What to Expect from the New Brazilian Government in Foreign and Trade Policy

Análise: O que mudará nas relações comerciais do Brasil

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Artigo/Renata Amaral:Semicondutores e China no foco da estratégia de segurança nacional dos EUA

Artigo/Renata Amaral:Semicondutores e China no foco da estratégia de segurança nacional dos EUA Por Renata Amaral* Washington, 21/10/2022 – Outubro

China quer mais independência no agronegócio

Public Forum 2022 – Session 107 – Improving Lives and Livelihoods Through Trade in Medical Technologies

Medical devices and diagnostics are essential for long and healthy lives, and an inclusive post-pandemic recovery. Trade allows people around


Ph.D, International Trade Lawyer and Consultant

Experienced international trade lawyer, with an extensive and proven record of successful engagement at the World Trade Organization (WTO), bilateral and regional trade negotiations, domestic trade policy and market access. Over the course of her fifteen-year career, has advised governments and private stakeholders on international trade matters, with a focus on WTO law. She currently serves as Adjunct Professor at the American University Washington College of Law, where she co-directs the certificate program on WTO and US Trade Law and Policy.