Public Forum 2022 – Session 107 – Improving Lives and Livelihoods Through Trade in Medical Technologies

Medical devices and diagnostics are essential for long and healthy lives, and an inclusive post-pandemic recovery. Trade allows people around the world to access these latest lifesaving technologies.

Since production of medical devices involves inputs and components from many different countries, regulatory divergences hinder the smooth functioning of supply chains and create barriers for access to medical goods, driving up costs and denying people the best care possible. Trade and the multilateral trading system can help improve access to medical technology and ensure that people in all WTO members – regardless of their level of development – can benefit from these new technologies through a more harmonized regulatory environment.

This session will bring together public and private stakeholders to explore how enhanced trade cooperation at the WTO can help deliver more sustainable and resilient medical technology supply chains, and thereby improve lives and livelihoods worldwide as part of an inclusive economic recovery.



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