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Category: Academic Journal Articles

Certificate Program on WTO and US Trade Law and Policy

This online program is a unique opportunity to engage with government officials, WTO leaders and counsellors, and leading trade lawyers and practitioners. The program is suitable for experienced practitioners looking

Revista de Direito do Comércio Internacional – Edição Digital Nº 04

Disponível em: Sumário: INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND TRADE POLICY ON BIDEN ADMINISTRATION AND IMPACTS TO BRAZIL Aluisio de Lima-Campos, Renata Amaral, Barbara Medrado, Lucas Queiroz Pires, Marcia Pulcherio POLÍTICA COMERCIAL

The role of regulation and MNEs in ensuring equal opportunities for women

ARTICLE 9: The role of regulation and MNEs in ensuring equal opportunities for women by Renata Vargas Amaral and Lillyana Daza Jaller Government policy and private sector practice have the