The role of regulation and MNEs in ensuring equal opportunities for women

ARTICLE 9: The role of regulation and MNEs in ensuring equal opportunities for women by Renata Vargas Amaral and Lillyana Daza Jaller

Government policy and private sector practice have the ability to spread gender equality, which can have an impact on growth and development. Over the past years, an upsurge has been observed in trade agreements that carve out space for gender issues in their agendas. The same is not true for international investment treaties. Foreign direct investment inflows can lead to more opportunities for women in the job market but may also exacerbate disparities. This paper aims to address and compare the role and effect of gender provisions in trade and investment agreements, and to shed light on additional policies that may be needed to ensure that governments and multinational enterprises address gender constraints. Keywords: bilateral investment treaty, foreign direct investment, gender, inclusion, investment, multinational enterprises, trade, trade agreement, women


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