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Month: maio 2021

Certificate Program on WTO and US Trade Law and Policy

This online program is a unique opportunity to engage with government officials, WTO leaders and counsellors, and leading trade lawyers and practitioners. The program is suitable for experienced practitioners looking

Latin America Advisor

What has prevented a #China–#Mercosur trade deal in the past, and to what extent are bloc-wide or bilateral agreements likely in the near term? My comments on that together with Tatiana Prazeres, Thomas

Podcast: Biden’s Trade Policy

Marina Amaral Egydio de Carvalho invites Simon Lester , from the Cato Institute , Renata Amaral , from the American University Washington College of Law, and Aluisio De Lima-Campos , from the ABCI Institute , to discuss Biden’s international trade agenda and

ECIPE Webinar: The Geopolitics of Trade: What Path for Mercosur?

Entrevista Estadão: Negociação sobre quebra de patente irá além do limite da OMC

Disponível em:,negociacao-sobre-quebra-de-patente-ira-alem-do-limite-da-omc,70003706842?utm_source=estadao:app&utm_medium=noticia:compartilhamento